Global Macro Economic Assessment

Definitive Capital Management and Definitive Asset Management manage both domestic as well as international portfolios on a direct segregated basis. The macro economic factors that have a direct or an indirect influence on the assets held are constantly monitored together with a continual bottom up analysis of individual securities.

Some of the economic variables that are monitored include, but are not limited to: Leading economic indicators, indicators of economic activity (GDP and inflation), manufacturing PMI, business confidence, retail sales, consumer sentiment, unemployment, vehicle sales, interest rates, budget and current account deficits as well as capital flows into equities and bonds.

Asset Class Assessment

The process includes a general assessment of each asset class including:
  • Equities
  • Bonds
  • Property
  • Alternative Strategies
  • Cash

This assessment results in the determination of the expected return and risk profile within each asset class. The main theme of this analysis is to determine which asset classes are offering better relative value and will provide the best risk adjusted return for each unit of capital invested. Research is collated from several of our primary independent research houses complementing our own in house research that on a consolidated basis covers the global economic outlook.

Portfolio Modeling

The global macro economic assessment is an ongoing process which results in a monthly formal investment committee meeting. The investment committee is responsible for determining an optimal asset allocation for each client and then moving onto specific security selection within each asset class. Once the optimal asset allocation has been set our research focus is then to break down each asset class on a sector, a geographic and thematic basis to determine our optimal security selection. The process is designed to identify those securities and financial instruments that will add the greatest risk adjusted attribution to the portfolio within each asset class.

The process for each asset class is as follows:

Portfolio Risk Management

Asset allocation is used as a primary tool for risk management. Portfolios are constructed taking into account the expected return and volatility profile of individual instruments within the context of the portfolio. Statistics such as annualised standard deviation, correlation matrices, percentage positive months, sharpe ratios and maximum peak to troughs are some of the important drivers of volatility that are assessed.

Our simple yet highly sophisticated custodial and investment approach gives us the highest level of transparency and liquidity together with the necessary discretion in order to express our views and expedite our investment decisions given the fluctuating market environments and volatility levels.


The portfolio’s performance is constantly measured on a risk adjusted basis taking into account the investment objectives. Variances are reviewed and adjustments made according to changes in the investment environment.